Felipe Pantone is an Argentinian-Spanish artist. He started doing graffiti at the age of 12. He graduated with a Fine Art degree in Valencia (Spain) where his studio is based. Pantone’s work deals with dynamism, transformation, digital revolution, and themes related to the present times. For more Pantone art check out: https://www.felipepantone.com/
His work reminds me of a television test screen. You’ll know exactly what I’m referring too without seeing a picture of it. I feel Felipe’s work is very much like that.
His use of colors and shapes mesh perfectly together with urban environments. His use of vivid colors mixed with black and white patterns work well when applied through various media. From painting giant murals to high quality digital prints his style shines through and is immediately recognizable.
Felipe Pantone has done something that most artists can only dream about; he has influenced the visual identity of the world through his own unique style. He continues to develop new methods to share his vision with the world. I will continue to follow him for years to come.