“Our ambition has never been to be a design agency. As a creative studio, we exist to create work that’s important from a cultural perspective. We do this The Blup Way” – https://studioblup.com/
This is how London based creatives Studio Blup describe their work on their unique and beautiful website. It shows a level of understanding of one’s own work which I admire. Using modern tools, they create art that is both relevant to our time and commercially successful. Check it out!

The selection of work I have shared with you today is part of the Studio Blup ‘Remixes’ series. These ‘Remixes’ lie at an intersection of popular culture that is both iconic and recognizable yet completely unique. The Blup Way. I like this series because it combines elements from my childhood with incredibly original compositions.

Strange yet fitting combination of colors, textures and composition. I don’t have much else to say about Studio Blup. Just look. I’ve been following their work for years and they have absolutely influenced my own style and composition.