Leveraging Custom GPTs: A New Frontier in Marketing?
At a recent hackathon at work, I explored the potential of creating custom GPTs (Introducing GPTs) and their impact on marketing and lead generation. I realized how custom GPTs could serve as a new content type for companies, enabling them to thrive in the AI-driven content space. Here’s a look at some successful implementations and…
My top AI tools for creativity in 2023
As an artist, I’ve always sought innovative ways to expand my creative horizons. Recently, I delved into the realm of AI-powered tools that have transformed the way I approach art. These tools offer a fascinating fusion of technology and artistic expression, opening doors to new possibilities. Join me on this journey as I rank my…
AI-Generated Seamless Tiles: Creating Patterns in Adobe Photoshop
Are you searching for ways to enhance your designs with the charm of Amsterdam’s architecture? Look no further. I’ll guide you through the simple process of crafting perfect pattern brushes in Adobe Photoshop using these tiles which are completely free to use! In this series I have tried to capture Amsterdam’s iconic architecture in 1024×1024…
Amsterdam in 12 Unique AI Art Styles: Free Wallpapers Included!
Spending some time trying to discover the magic of Amsterdam in 12 captivating AI art styles! In this experiment, I used Midjourney AI and Photoshop to bring the iconic cityscape to life. From steampunk to cartoons and watercolors, each 1920×1080 pixel artwork is a visual delight. Best of all, these wallpapers are free to download!…